Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chapter Two: Politics versus Science: Opposing the Food Pyramid, 1991-1992

Chapter two considered a topic that I had never even thought to question: why is the USDA responsible for giving Americans nutritional advice? There is a definite conflict of interest in their "dual mandate" both to support agriculture and provide advice to Americans about health and wellness (Nestle, 53). I believe that once the scientific community changed their nutritional advice from "eat more" to "eat less," that there was no way for the USDA to administer guidance without compromising the health of the American people.
The timeline of the Food Guide Pyramid development was also quite illuminating, as I wasn't aware how controversial it was during development. The timeline confirmed what I suspected in my first post: the 2005 change to MyPyramid was actually a backwards move in terms of helping the American public understand the basis of a healthful diet.
Even thinking back to what I learned in elementary and middle school about nutrition (via the food pyramid), I'm not sure how much good it did me. The serving suggestions, which we memorized, didn't even enter my mind when I left health class and proceeded to the cafeteria. I wasn't strong enough to resist the piles of junk food, which were often much cheaper than the healthier options. I believe it would be worthwhile to begin to teach portion control and recognition of fullness in health classes. I'm not exactly sure what I would change, but from what I remember, health class was all about making sure you got enough: enough vegetables, enough grains. Overeating wasn't really discussed, and the only form of moderation that was encouraged was moderations in fats and sweets. I understand that these are empty calories, but even non-empty calories are still calories, and can still lead to unhealthy weight gain. Childhood is when we form our eating habits, and I can attest to the fact that it is a lot harder, and a constant struggle, to change your habits once they've been formed.

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