Monday, September 29, 2008

Chapter 3: "Deconstructing" Dietary Advice

After reading chapter three and realizing how any dietary advice issued by the government is immediately twisted and skewed by multiple industries, I'm not sure if the advice is harming or helping. It is also frustrating that the recurring message--eat more plant foods and less of meat and processed foods--seems to be pushed aside for more interesting, profitable nuances.

It seems to me that much of the dietary advice given to Americans is kept purposefully convoluted. The focus on individual nutrients assures that consumers don't have a real grasp on the amount of food or which foods they need to eat. I would like to find a food guide which is completely removed from private sector influence, and relies only on science and logic. I'm not sure if such a guide exists, but it would be interesting to see how radically it differed from the government-sanctioned version.

My general feeling about government nutritional advice is that, while it definitely has a background of scientific research and evidence, the details and attitudes actually delivered are more likely to represent big business, and how you can make your interest in health work for them.

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