Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chapter 8: Starting Early: Underage Consumers

I have always been staunchly against advertising nonnutritious foods to children. I believe the fact that they don't have the mental capability to separate the program they are watching from the advertisements means that any influence exerted by industry is unfair and unethical. The effects of these advertisements stay with children throughout their lives, and makes healthful eating a lifelong struggle. Personally, I remember my obsession with Beanie Babies led to my eating a ridiculous number of Happy Meals in the mid-to-late 90's, when a teeny beanie baby was given away with every one.
The argument that it is the parents' responsibility to regulate the advertisement to which their children are exposed is unrealistic: these advertisements have permeated almost every faction of young life. A parent would have to lock his or her child in a room, and strictly regulate any form of media going in. This media includes, but is not limited to television, books, and comic books.
This advertisement needs to be strictly controlled, if not eliminated.

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